Interstellar Traditional Film Poster

In my traditional film poster for Interstellar I wanted to incorporate the theme of space, as well as family. The genre of the film, science fiction, is mainly conveyed by the images of Cooper (played by Matthew McConaughey) in a space suit, which effortlessly signifies to an audience member that the film has something to do with space. As well as this, I included an image of a younger Murphy and Cooper smiling whilst not in a space suit to suggest that the film isn't all about space, and these images portray underlying themes of family.


  1. Really good poster it looks really professional and I like how you blended the people's faces into the background and the use of light in the background

  2. Really great poster, looks extremely professional. The colours work really well and the emphasis on family creates a connection with the characters without Matthew McConaughey taking over.

  3. Your Photoshop skills are amazing! The way you merge and blend the images together is done professionally. The colour scheme is consistent with the trailer itself (warm orange and blue) which is makes this professional. Well done :)


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